Please join us in a deep conversation on the repercussions of devising humanity with archaic conceptions. Even though millions of years of evolution will not be damped with a few words — with your help — we can figure out the best possible outcomes of our virtual evolution. Furthermore, the fact that we are probably living in the dawn of technological singularity deserves your consideration and discernment; allow us to borrow your attention for some minutes.
Perhaps we should start by taking into consideration that we are the result of modern social constructionism; developed by humans: a species that has evolved over millions of years, or thousands if you are a YEC believer (anyway, seducing your convictions is the least of my intentions). Regardless of your partisanship, you need to comprehend the variables applied to the experimental relationships we call humanity.
At first, let’s consider the fact that, change is eminent; we will experience a different reality as we (progress?). Moreover, that different reality depends on individual perceptions applied to common interpretation. According to Professor Anthony O’Hear, “we are prisoners neither of our genes nor of the ideas we encounter as we each make our personal and individual way through life.” Thus, we always have an option to decide over our destiny. Withal:
Plato says, “Every king springs from a race of slaves, and every slave has had kings among his ancestors.”
On the other hand, as argued by Dr. Max Tegmark, our future is depending on some difficult and wide-ranging decisions that we must make in the coming decade or two; both utopia and dystopia are possible (you choose). I invite you to sketch your perfect future and act on it without demeaning the perfect future of humanity. What do you recommend?
First, please allow me to warn you, that while you reflect, it is probable that powerful factors will lure you into continuing your life as if nothing will harm those you love, or in a reciprocal way, those who love you. Notwithstanding, please step out of your ego for at least some minutes, and contemplate life without them. Even more, contemplate you being the one who vanishes them. Do you think of their future?
In fact, the most simplistic view of our future lies in our judgment. Hence, the more we detach from humanity’s modification, the less we create habitability. Even more, the less we involve in the creation of the future, the less we will be able to influence its end product; and the less we can influence future’s end product, the more we give away the fate of our descendants.
Consequently, please learn ways to contribute — add your knowledge and wisdom to the equation. And do not worry; if you can’t come up with solutions right away - there is space and time to learn. “To attain knowledge, add things everyday. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” (Lao Tzu) But above all, step out of your daily routine and think out of the box. Temporary gratification should not overpower lasting sorrow.
Ultimately, for all you love: educate, nourish, encourage, and advance; we need you; they need you; you need you, be emerging rule.